January 25
The 9th Ó Bhéal Five Words Competition
You are currently browsing the archive for the Kudos Featured Competitions category.
January 31
The Brian Dempsey Memorial Competition 2022
January 31
Teignmouth Poetry Festival Open Poetry Competition 2022
January 14
Magma’s 2021/22 Poetry Competitions
January 28
The 2021 Manchester Writing Competition
£10,000 prizes for the best portfolio
of three to five poems and best short story of up to 2,500 words.
Submissions must be new work, not previously published.
Open internationally to new and established writers, aged 16 or over.
Deadline: 28 January 2022
Entry fee: £18 (reduced price entry available)
Organised by the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Judged by Romalyn Ante, Malika Booker and Zaffar Kunial (Poetry)
and Hilaire, Simon Okotie and Nicholas Royle (Fiction).
For full details, to enter, and to read last year’s winners,
visit the Competition website: www.mmu.ac.uk/writingcompetition/ Read the rest of this entry »
December 31
Wolverhampton Literature Festival Fifth Poetry Competition
December 27
The London Magazine Poetry Prize 2021
December 6
Mslexia Poetry & Pamphlet Competition
Mslexia Publications Ltd, PO Box 656,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 1PZ