SWC Annual International Poetry Competition 2023
Deadline: 30th April 2023
Chief Judge: Cynthia KitchenNo theme, original unpublished work only.
First Prize: £150, Second Prize: £75, Third Prize: £25
Catherine Fenerty Humour Prize: £25
40 lines maximum.
Entry fee is £3 per poem or four poems for £10
Online and Postal entry available
Full details and Rules at www.swconline.co.uk
You are currently browsing the archive for the Kudos Featured Competitions category.
- MAY 31st
Prizes: 250, 75, 50 guineas
plus 1 year’s subs
(winner, 2 years’ subs)
Publication in The Frogmore Papers
Shortlist: copies of selected Frogmore Press publications
Results announced early July
Fee: £4. Length: 40 lines
Adjudicator: Helena Nelson
SEND SAE: 21 Mildmay Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1PJ
The Plough Prize for Poetry 2023
Judge: Imtiaz Dharker
Now in its 20th year,
the Plough Prize for Poetry is an international open competition
for a poem up to 40 lines on any subject
Deadline 31st March 2023
Online Entry fee: £5.00 per poem; Postal Entry fee: £6.00 per poem:
The Plough Prize, The Plough Arts Centre, 9-11 Fore Street, Torrington EX38 8HQ
October 21
Sonnet or Not 2022
Cannon Poets invite poems of 14 lines.
First Prize £500
Judge: Paul Francis
Details on website www.cannonpoets.org.uk
or send SAE: Hon. Sec. Cannon Poets, 22, Margaret Grove, Birmingham, B17 9JH
Closing date 31st October Read the rest of this entry »
November 14th
2022 Café Writers Open Poetry Competition
July 31
* Ironbridge Festival of the Imagination Open Poetry Competition