The 39th Poetry Business International Book & Pamphlet Competition

The 39th Poetry Business International Book & Pamphlet Competition

Judge: Kim Moore

Deadline: 30 November 2024

Submission: A collection of 20 pages of poetry
Prize: The two winners will receive expert close editing and support in extending their entry
if they wish to up to 28 pages for pamphlet publication
under our award-winning imprint Smith|Doorstop Books.
They also receive £500 each, publication in The North magazine,
and readings at The Wordsworth Trust and online.
Four runners-up receive publication in a feature in The North magazine,
an online reading and an honorarium of £100 each.
Cost: Full-price entry is £29.
Subscribers to The North, Friends of the Poetry Business, and members of the Poetry Society
are eligible for the discounted fee of £27.
All entrants receive a 10% code that can be used to purchase Poetry Book Society membership.
More details:


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