July 2024

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The VOLE Summer Competition


Open to international entries
Entries invited up to 31st July 2024

NO THEME (despite the title):

Dorothy Parker famously said:

‘Summer makes me drowsy.

Autumn makes me sing.

Winter’s pretty lousy,

but I hate Spring.’

Poems on any subject are invited

1st Prize: £50; 2nd Prize: £30; 3rd Prize: £20.

50 poems will be selected and published in an anthology
and all poets included will receive a free copy

image description

Second Light Competition for long and short poems by women.
Deadline 6th August. Online or postal entries.
 Judge, Wendy French’s latest poetry collection
is Bread Without Butter (Rockingham Press, 2020).
Prizes £325 each long & short/£175/£100; publication in ARTEMISpoetry and online.
One free entry for Second Light members.
Details: http://www.secondlightlive.co.uk/downloads/comp24.pdf