30th September
Sentinel Poetry Book Competition 2021
Poets living in any part of the world eligible
Poetry collections by single adult authors:
English language; any subject and any style.
Prizewinners’ collections published by SPM Publications; each receive 20 copies
Judge: Mandy Pannett – author of The Daedalus Files and All the Invisibles
Entry fee: £25
Prizes: £300 (1st), £200 (2nd), and £100 (3rd), plus standard publishing contract
Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition
Closing date: 31st October 2021
Poets of all ages, gender and nationality in any part of the world eligible:
original, previously unpublished poems in English language
Judge: Rachel Long – author of My Darling from the Lions
Entry Fees: £5/1, £8/2, £10/3, £12/4, £14/5, £16/7 and £22/10 Length: 50 lines
Prizes: £250 (1st), £125 (2nd), £75 (3rd), £30 x 3 (High Commendation)
£20 x 3 (Commendation); £10 x 3 (Special Mentions)
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