Poetryspace Competition 2020



August 31st 2020

Poetryspace Competition 2020



This year’s judge will be Bobby Parker.
He has been published in Orbis amongst other magazines
and his poetry collections include the critically-acclaimed Blue Movie (Nine Arches Press, 2014)
and Working Class Voodoo (Offord Road Books, 2018).
£500 for the winner
£250 for 2nd place; £100 for 3rd
Book prizes for 17 shortlisted poets and for top three prize winners.
Complimentary copies of the prizewinners anthology for top 20.
Fee: £5 per poem (2 poems, Poetry Space subscribers) Length: 40 lines maximum
Poems can be sent by email to susan@poetryspace,co.uk
or by post to Poetry Space Ltd, 2 North St, Beaminster, Dorset DT8 3DZ
You must be 16 or over
Please don’t put your name on the poems, but include a cover sheet


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