June 2018

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The Big I Am

Until July 14



Peer Gynt? I know nothing.

And to be honest, not much wiser now except I don’t believe I should like to know him, for a worse anti-hero you are unlikely to meet. That he has

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June 30

Poetry Space Competition 2018 

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June 30
The London Magazine’s Poetry Prize 2018
1st Prize: £500 | 2nd Prize: £300 | 3rd Prize £200.
40 lines maximum.
Entry: £10, £5 for subsequent poems
http://thelondonmagazine.org /

Shrek: The Musical    

Liverpool EmpireShrek5a096c19-e350-436c-8cf7-68e8c0a864a8

June 13-23

On tour until January 6


What a pantomime – is it really possible for such a transformation, to make a cartoon film into a successful musical? Hell, yes. After all, if somebody can run the gamut from nun to doctor’s wife to royalty… Princess Fiona has you wanting to google another word for ‘feisty’, and you’re full of

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