August 15
Second Light Open Poetry Competition
for Lond and Short Poems by Women 2017
Prizes (in each category): £300, £150, £75.
Commended: Book Prizes.
Winning poems published on SecondLightLive website,
Winning & commended published in ARTEMISpoetry,
London reading for winners/commended poets.
Winners informed by 31st August.
Fee: £6 (Long); £4; £9/3; £14/8 (Short);
members: 1 free poem **new joiners eligible;
enquiries to:**
Length: over 50 lines (no maximum limit); up to 50 lines.
(Long poems: may be extract).
Judge: Myra Schneider (reads all entries)
Sample issue of ARTEMISpoetry: £2; book offer: £5.
Second Light network for women poets; annual subs: £25.
Enter online, or
SEND TO (2 copies): Dilys Wood, 3 Springfield Close, East Preston,
West Sussex, BN16 2SZ
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