January 18 2016
Magma Judge’s Prize: £1000, £300, £150
Plus 5 special mentions
Magma Editors Prize: £1000; £300, £150
Plus 5 special mentions
Publication in Spring 2016 issue
+ invited to read alongside judge
at prize-giving event, early 2016.
Fee: £5 for the first poem; then £4 and £3.50 for third and each subsequent poem
(subscribers: £4; £3; £2.50)
Length: 13-80 lines; Magma Editor’s Prize: up to 10 lines.
Adjudication: Judge’s Prize: Daljit Nagra;
Editors’ Prize: Magma editors.
Online entry or
SEND TO: 31 Dagmar Road, London, N4 4NY
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